we know...we know...you waited far too long for our new post - but here we are again! you have to excuse our delay, we got completly captured by the urban life of sanfran (but more later). here comes ASHLAND. you might ask yourself why the two of us happen to go to the middle of oregon to a small hippietown like ashland. well, the main reason was to spend some time with wonderful christina who now lives there to write on her book about cooking on yards. another reason was, we have to admit, her ability to cook the best, organic, healthy, most delicious food. our thank you this time goes to her - thank you for being our oasis in the desert of chunkfoodcrap. beside eating we also enjoyed the nature, watching the hippies, the film “last chance harvey“ & having interesting conversations. she also made an effort to put us in contact with the best cheesemaker of town where we spent a fortune on milk & grapeproducts. thanks also to her mum who let us stay at her house in sonoma from where we started our winetastingtour. to get there we had to pass incredible redwoodforests which where so magical and capturing that we didn't get out before darkness which forced us to stay a night in a scary hänsel & gretel-hostel in the middle of the woods.
thanks to the delicious grape & milkproducts we still made it feel like a five star hotel with a good roomservice and survived the night laying tight arm in arm. in case of a worst case scenario we had weapons like an empty winebottle and a dull schweizer knife - so don't worry, we are safe.
alive and kicking
thanks to the delicious grape & milkproducts we still made it feel like a five star hotel with a good roomservice and survived the night laying tight arm in arm. in case of a worst case scenario we had weapons like an empty winebottle and a dull schweizer knife - so don't worry, we are safe.
alive and kicking

Liebe Anna,
AntwortenLöschenna wie ist es durch USA zu fahren, wissend Du bist an der St. Martins Uni in London angenommen?
Macht den Trip doch noch spannender oder?
Ich habe bei den Fotos ein Bitte: Könntest Du mal "ganze" Fotos reinstellen?
Ich weiß, dass die eher oldfashioned sind und einem Design-anspruch geradezu widersprechen, aber ich wüsste gerne mal, wie zum Bsp. Euer Auto aussieht.
Oder das Haus in S.F. in dem sich die Wohnung von Geoff befindet und wo ihr einige Nächte übernachten konntet.
Oder Geoff selbst?:)
Du hast gesagt, dass man die Bilder vergrößern kann, wenn man sie anklickt, das stimmt, doch der Ausschnitt bleibt.
Ich wünsche Euch beiden noch ganz viel Spaß, Abenteuer und viele inspirierende Begegenungen!