Donnerstag, 30. April 2009

travel all over the world_

"Travel all over the world, but know when to stop and breathe. Talk to the guy next to you. Keep secrets and skip long meetings. Learn the rules first, than explore the exceptions. Enjoy silence. Stay in touch even if you´re unreachable. Learn how to sleep sitting up. Travel light and never carry stuff that you can not leave behind. Make mistakes and learn from them, before you put them behind you. Treat nature with care, but use it to the fullest. Listen. Improve what can be improved, but do not fix your hair more than three minutes a day. Live and sleep. Act thoughtfully, without thinking to much. If there is a beach, stay. If there are friends at the beach, stay longer. Don´t make important decisions if it´s raining. Get to know your friends birthdays, home towns and names. Stay for the last dance. Remember who you are, and imagine who you can be. Keep your mouth and eyes shut sometimes and your mind open at all times. Be impressed by fireworks, but don´t forget to look at the stars. Scream when you are in great pain or pleasure, and only then. Ask questions. Change your mind at least once a day. Always be curious unless you are a cat."

unkown author

totally stoned by life_

venice & santa monica:

plastic & fantastic_

destination: city of angels.
miles driven so far: 3587.
items shopped: a lot.
music: amoeba.
local people: big boobs, platinum blond, huge cars, bling bling, silicone, superficial but hey...a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
favourite art spot: the getty.
favourite hood: silverlake, west hollywood.
most said sentence: "can you give me the cam?", "where is the cam?"
convulsive laughter: stopped counting.
thank you: to our couchsurfingfamily - the meehans. you gave us
a feeling of being home. thanks for all this warmth in a very tough
city. @nick: see you in europe - hope you get into your dreamuniversity.

still wearing a B cup
