Montag, 30. März 2009

vancouver usa vs. vancouver bc_

clever as hell and tired to death from tasting the nectar and feeling the pulse of nyc, tanja took the wrong way (south instead of north) to pick up anna in vancouver usa instead of vancouver bc in canada (never trust your gps!). to avoid a car crash with our white-ford-just hired-pimp-suv t*an(tanja+anna) decided to meet up in seattle, wich is in the middle of both vancouvers.
sms to mathis (our friend in seattle): "ähmmmm. .. could we probably crash in one week earlier? ähmmmm in about 2 hours? :-)"
first lesson learned: be flexible! change your plan!
impressions of seattle: fun vintageshopping, delicious fish, rain, rain, rain, watching rowers is exciting, stupid-drunk-horny-usa-college-girls wear mini-skirts even if it´s freezing cold, incredible concerts, everything is only available in xxxxxxLarge, friendly people.
our *thank you* this time goes to the freshman-hairless-winners of the rowing-race: mathis and tom! tanks for sleeping in one bed for us and making our start of the trip so cheerful. all in all our trip couldn´t have started better. everything happens for a reason. keep rowing.

love t*an

Mittwoch, 25. März 2009

goodbye in bielefeld_

so jetzt geht´s los!!!

nach einem kurzen auftanken in bielefeld brechen wir auf in die große weite welt!
wir lassen alle zukunfts-sorgen hinter uns und genießen die freiheit und unser leben an der west-küste amerikas. von vancouver bis nach san diego wollen wir fahren.
damit wir trotzdem mit euch verbunden sind, schreiben wir ab und zu in diesen blog.
wir wünschen dir ganz viel spaß, bei dem was du gerade tust.

lot´s of love
